Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What did I learn about Research on Monday?

Well, to start off, I learned how amazing iPads are (even when I had to go through 2 or 3 of them because they kept malfunctioning on me). :)
But seriously, I was amazed with the online resources the library has. I had no clue BYU had such a database. So I'm glad to know that I can get online and anything I find there I can likely find in the library, and really just narrow down my research and such.
But to be honest, I also didn't like the library database search system, because I feel that it restricts how much information we receive. That can be a good thing (not getting too much info) because it helps us narrow down our research and sources, but I still like being able to Google something and get a bazillion responses, and then I can weed through the most popular ones. Or I enjoy going onto Wikipedia and then when I find stuff I want or need I look up the referenced source.
So as awesome as the library is, I still hope that I'll have the freedom to search anywhere I want, because whenever you restrict research, it's never quite as incompassing or as through as it could be (in scholarly language: It hinders my creativity). :)


  1. Yeah... I had no idea how great the library website was. I thought it just had information about when it opens but I had no idea that it had this giant database and all these great researching tools!

  2. Ha iPads really are amazing. I wish I had one of my own. And I agree that we should be able to use Google if we want to because it really can be a useful tool.
