Monday, March 19, 2012

Paraphrasing (not Patchwriting)

“We do not in everyday life reflect much on how one people’s ‘myth’ may be another people’s religion or episteme. What ‘we’ label ‘myth’ from other cultures then translates into the ‘that’s just a myth!’ formula that implicitly sustains the value of our own beliefs. Thus trivialized—though in different ways—both outside and within Western culture, ‘myth’ in common English-language usage today is the object of exoticizing amusement or dismissal; it is deprived of its associations with history, knowledge, and vision—what has made myth culturally valuable and has most fascinated scholars of myths and traditional narratives” (Bacchilega 25).
My Paraphrase
There is a lot of misunderstanding on what we (on an individual level) call a 'myth.' We may label someone's faith as a myth, or see other parts of cultures as simply a myth. What we define in English as a 'myth' is largely influenced by our history or cultural. A 'myth' is defined as on object that's not understood and seen as funny or easy to dismiss (Bacchilega 25).

A problem I've faced is just having to revise my thesis, and then trying to tie in my resources into it. And I've found it very difficult to go over ALL the material I have for resources and then pick just that right sentence I need. So yeah, it's stressful...oh well. :)


  1. I feel you pain about getting the right sentence or quote to make your point in your paper. Maybe if you put your sources into piles according to importance, then that would be helpful? I don't know lol.

  2. Ah, I have had that same problem with finding the right quote from sources. I finally just sat down and read all my journal articles straight through, looking for quotes. It took a while, but it worked for me :).

  3. I understand. If you can connect the closing sentence of the previous paragraph to the topic sentence of the opening it helps it flow majorly. Getting the thesis is tough. I would ask people advice after you have come up with one to make sure that they understand then revise accordingly.

  4. The thesis was hard for me too. I would suggest going back to the most basic level of what you are trying to say with the paper and then try to make your thesis fit around that. Also, it's true what Natalie said about how you will likely change your thesis after your first draft or even your second.
