Monday, February 13, 2012

My 5 Valentine's Day Similies

1. He loves her as a fat kid loves cake.

2. Their love for each other was like an ocean, that is frozen over.

3. Having your heart broken is like getting kicked in the face by an elephant.

4. Her nails were bright red, like the color of blood that was in the face of her ex-boyfriend (who she just slapped).

5. Love flies high in the sky, like the Hindenburg Zepplin that errupted into flames and crashed into the earth.


  1. Getting your heart must really not be fun if it's like getting kicked in the face by an elephant...

  2. Something tells me that 5 is supposed to be depressing... Maybe it's the flames.

  3. 5 is awesome. Love just keeps getting better, and further, and then all of the sudden... BOOM! its over! hahaha...

  4. 4 was a little bit gruesome, I have to admit. It doesn't sound like Valentine's Day is your favorite holiday ha.

  5. Wow we both had the same first one about the fat kid loving cake. I guess it isn't very original

  6. Hahaha number 3 made me chuckle. Guess I'll try to avoid getting broken up with now...
