Tuesday, February 28, 2012

20 things that interest me (upcoming Issues Paper)

1. George Washington / The Founding Fathers
2. SpaceShipTwo
3. The Afghan War
4. The 12th Imam
5. The 2012 Presidential Election
6. U.S. Relations with China
7. The U.S. Military
8. Small vs. Big Government
9. The Constitution
10. Term Limits
11. Israel
12. Iran's Nuclear Program
13. The Roman Catholic Church
14. The Dark Knight series (can't wait for the 3rd one!!!)
15. International Politics / Conflict
16. Glenn Beck
17. U.S. History (from Revolutionary War to modern-day conflict)
18. Sherlock Holmes (love the movies!)
19. Music by Hans Zimmer
20. Russia

Monday, February 20, 2012

Love Letter: Samson to Delilah - in Technical textbook writing

Addressed to the one and only Delilah (which happens to be a very common species of flower),
   As you know, the golden locks of Samson (yours truly) contain incredible power. Many believe that the greatest power on earth is that of an earthquake (made apparent after the recent destruction of Haiti and Japan). But while these examples are shocking, they do not match the power of Samson. Due to circumstances that are not able to be explained with 'mortal' words, my (Samson's) hair gives me power that cannot be matched by any other mortal on the earth. As can be expected, my hair is something many want and would be willing to buy (the estimated price that the King of Babylon would pay for my hair is somewhere in the 5 billion camels range). Not only is the hair stunningly beautiful and long (the sun glints off of it, blinding my enemies, due to a natural marvel known as 'reflection'), but the God of Israel has promised me that if it is allowed to grow and never be cut, that I will have strength that cannot be matched. Modern-day movie makers have caught onto this idea by creating a film called "Tangled" where a girl has hair that can heal any ailment. Many ancient philosophers have misinterpreted me with Hercules. But Hercules is only a child when compared to Samson. And Repunzal's hair is only 1/10th and 3 quarters of an inch the length of Samson's hair.
I Samson share this with you Delilah (which bytheway is a pretty flower) because you create certain feelings inside of me (feelings that scientists and psychologists would call love). Love is an interesting feeling which is soft and warm (unlike muscle, which is hard and firm and impressive). So how a strong man like myself could feel so week by a tiny flower like yourself is quite interesting (most experts today only can draw conclusions (not facts) about love and how it works). But regardless, the scientific evidence that is present in my behavior shows that I pass all the qualifications of being a speciman in love with you (a flower).
That is all the data that we have at this time.
Your faithful observer,

Monday, February 13, 2012

My 5 Valentine's Day Similies

1. He loves her as a fat kid loves cake.

2. Their love for each other was like an ocean, that is frozen over.

3. Having your heart broken is like getting kicked in the face by an elephant.

4. Her nails were bright red, like the color of blood that was in the face of her ex-boyfriend (who she just slapped).

5. Love flies high in the sky, like the Hindenburg Zepplin that errupted into flames and crashed into the earth.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My 4th Speeding Ticket

To the Judge:
Your Honor,
Thank you for your time and patience with reading this letter. I appreciate it deeply. I am writing to you because I unfortunately received my 4th speeding ticket yesterday afternoon while trying to get home in a hurry after my grandmother had called me because she fell and needed help. The last 3 tickets I've received for similar reasons. I sincerely apologize. I don't speed unless it's an emergency. But with this 4th ticket, my license has been revoked and so it's now very difficult to help my family (my mother really depends on me giving rides to my 5 younger siblings while she's at work). If it is in any way possible, I'm asking for your help in reversing my license suspension. I would be deeply indebted to your mercy at this urgent time sir.

To my mother:
Hi mom. I miss you dearly and hope you come home soon. You may have heard that I recently received a speeding ticket (unfortunately, it's my 4th). I'm very sorry. I was not trying to speed or anything. I was trying to get Ben to his soccer game on time, and because he got hurt trying to get ready on time, we got a late start so I was trying to hurry (his coach did say if he's late he won't play). Yes, I feel very sorry, especially because as a result of getting pulled over we were REALLY late to the game, and Ben's coach told him he won't play for the next 2 games. I'm sorry. I promise I won't speed again. It was just a really stressful day and the cop had little sympathy for us. I hope this doesn't discourage you or distract you on your vacation. I miss you like crazy and hope you get home safe and sound. Again I'm very sorry.

To my classmates:
Hey guys, you wouldn't believe it, but I got my 4th speeding ticket today. I was simply going with the flow of traffic (and you know how crazy drivers are down here in Utah), and some cop who was having a bad day and was on a power-tangent decided to pull me over. He even took the box of Krispy Kremes I had sitting on the front seat, saying that they were distracting me and dangerous while driving (even though the box was closed and sealed). Guys, I'm telling you this is not fair. The only reason I get pulled over is because I drive a red convertable, and so cops are super biased against it, so they single me out for "speeding" when I'm only keeping up with the flow of traffic. Come on, it's more dangerous to go the speed limit than it is to just keep up with the flow of traffic (you guys know, you've been on the streets). If they were truly concerned about speeding, they would crack down on everyone, not just my car.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

15 Examples of Rhetorical Tools

1. Personification
"Dave, my mind is going," HAL says, forlornly. "I can feel it. I can feel it."
-This is a quote Carr uses from 2001: A Space Odyssey where the computer HAL has human-like feelings and responses. It's effective because it shows how depending on technology too much may lead to it being more human than us.

2. Personification
even the adult mind "is very plastic."
-This shows the mind having the characteristic of being "plastic" and changeable (even on the move). This isn't effective because it comes from a quote that's a little too technical for the common person, and a bit hard to totally understand.

3. Figurative language
The internet...[is] becoming our map and our clock, our printing press and our typewriter, our calculator and our telephone, and our radio and TV.
-This lists many different common everyday items we use, helping to illustrate how much we can do with technology. It's effective because it shows just how wide-sweeping computers and technology are becoming, and how much some people depend on them.

4. Diction
-Example of idiosyncratic diction because it's jargin from the computer world, and it's effective because even though I've never heard it before I understood it from the context, so it shows that the author knows the atmosphere's slang (and is therefore well educated on the subject).

5. Imagery
the crazy quilt of Internet media
-Example of imagery because the word "quilt" helps show how encompassing technology is becoming and how much it touches and effects in our life, so it's and effective use of imagery.

6. Taylor created a set of precise instructions - and "algorithm," we might say today
-Example of allusion because it's referring to a past experiment, but also uses analogy because it uses the commonly known word "algorithm" to explain this example from the past. I'd say effective because it shows the author's knowledge of the topic well-enough to explain it in modern-day terms and comparisons.

7. its legions of programmers are intent on finding the "one best method"
-Diction showing that the technological world is starting to overcome humanity, and the word "legions" helps give it a spooky, overpowering feel, so it's effective.

8. Google's headquarters...the Internet's high church
-Figurative language being used to explain just how important and critical some people view technology. Perhaps a little ineffective because it's perhaps a bit too extreme (comparing Google projects to religion).

9. What Taylor did for the work of the hand, Google is doing for the work of the mind.
-Metaphor showing the comparison between 'then' and 'now'. Effective because it shows quite accurately that both projects (though quite different) are similar.

10. In Google's view, information is a kind of commodity, a utilitarian resource that can be mined and processed with industrial efficiency.
-Personification because it's describing knowledge as something that can be found and collected as easily as we may collect and mine an earthly mineral. Effective because it shows how revolutionary Google is thinking (which shows how this could be the beginning of machines becoming too smart).

11. Ambiguity is not an opening for insight but a bug to be fixed.
-Analogy trying to compare ambiguity as a computer bug/problem. Ineffective because ambiguity is too big a word, and would be more effective if substituted with a word that more people know.

12. The human brain is just an outdated computer that needs a faster processor and a bigger hard drive.
-Metaphor showing how the human mind can be seen simply as a computer, something that can be improved simply by adding something too it as easily as updating a computer. Effective because obviously our minds are a bit more complex than computers, and we don't want machines to become so much smarter than us that our minds become obsolete.

13. Socrates bemoaned the development of writing.
-Allusion referring to how people used to complain about the written word way back when. Effective because it addresses a counter-argument (of how someone always opposes progress, so computers are not only good but revolutionary), but also ineffective because he addresses this, but doesn't really solve it either.

14. we risk turning into "'pancake people'" - spread wide and thin as we connect with the vast network of information
-Imagery comparing people to pancakes, easily shaped and spread however information (technology) wants. Effective because it's very vivid and shows us helpless we are when we depend too much on network information.

15. Their thoughts and actions feel scripted, as if they're following the steps of an algorithm.
-Imagery showing from a futuristic movie how much more human-like machines become than people, and how much more machine-like humans become due to technology that develops too quickly and that we depend on too much. Very effective because this is how Carr started his paper (and how he ends it). And because this comes from a 'futuristic' movie, we can't help but wonder if it's a prophecy of doom for us if we don't slow down and change (if the movie got other things right, then why wouldn't it get this right too?).

My Found Poem - Jacob 7:26

the time passed away
     like as it were unto us
a dream,

we being a lonesome
     and a solemn


cast out from Jerusalem,
     born in tribulation,
          in a wilderness,
               and hated of our brethren,
which caused wars and contentions;

     we did mourn out our days.