Monday, January 23, 2012

My Views on Peer-Editing

Alrighty folks, here's the dealeo,
I like it most of all when people who grade my papers are just honest about it. I appreciate people that don't want to be offensive...but please understand that if you don't tell me what my mistakes are, I can't fix them. So please just be open and honest with me. :)
With that being said, I do still appreciate it when you can show me something that I did correct, and not just show the multiplicity of errors. But of course, if there are nothing but errors, then please just be blunt and rip the band-aid off. I may be upset for a moment, but in the end I'll be grateful. :)
Thanks! You guys rock! As one member on my mission told me (in a little broken English): You are [all] stud and legit in one glass! ;)


  1. My sentiments exactly, Sir William! ;) I also appreciate it when people try not to be rude when editing my papers, but I really do like it when people just give my their honest opinion so I can make my paper better.

  2. I agree! I know it can be uncomfortable for some of us to receive, but like Sir William said, if no one told us, we wouldn't know our mistakes and how we could improve it.
